Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Head out on the Highway...

Me on the little moped. So fun to drive!

View of the lake on our motorbike (well moped actually)

...Looking for adventure!

Tiff and I woke up to sunshine today! Yeah!

After a quick early breakfast we rented motorbikes and decided to hike this mountain 14km out of town. We shared the motorbike b/c we’re cheap and set out for our day.

We hiked a totally deserted mountain which was a nice change from hiking in Korea where even the mountains are packed with people! I love how hiking has a way of sparking good conversation! Although it would seem like Tiff any I have exhausted every possible topic we found new interesting territory to discuss and learned some new things about each other. As well, Tiffany and I are the queens of new ideas and trying to figure out our futures! We tossed around a billion and one ideas for next year and I came away from it only slightly more confused than when we started. Story of my life!

Afterwards we explored the countryside by motorbike and it was absolutely beautiful. We sang all the 90's songs we knew and just as I was driving into town around 4:30pm we got a flat tire. Good timing! We rolled it into a fix-it shop (they seem to be everywhere) and we had our motorbike tire fixed for $0.50. Gotta love that! Then Tiffany navigated us through rush hour traffic back to our guesthouse. I was hanging on to the back on the motorbike terrified as other vehicles and motorbikes would get so close to us I was worried they would crush my legs!

It was a good day. Tomorrow we head to the beach.


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