Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Last Day!

Our little plane at the Lukla airport.

Our last day! We finally arrived in Lukla and tomorrow we’ll catch a flight back to Kathmandu if all things go as planned.

I’m seriously such a baby!! I have blisters in half smiley faces on the backs of both heals and I was in pain for the last three hours. The boys are great though and even though I told them to go on ahead (which I meant) Gary was waiting for me at the top of this big hill. Awe, I love these boys!

Then with about ½ hour to go we stopped and I asked Gary if this was it (knowing it wasn’t). He said no and I started to cry (very discretely, but they still knew). Can you believe it?! Then Evan came down to see how I was doing and I really did feel silly for crying especially when I pass porters carrying their huge loads wearing flip flops!

Much to my own embarrassment and slighly hurt pride, I turned out to be the biggest loose cannon on this trip with my AMS episodes and couple crying bouts. Honestly! These boys are the bomb for putting up with me and being such great company on this trip. All in all this was an excellent trip. I had a fun guide and 3 great Irish lads to share this experience with. What would any trip be without a little drama anyways? That was my job I guess… =)


At 2:21 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:07 a.m., Blogger Andrea said...

Erin, your trip sounds AWESOME! I wish that you and I could have connected in SE Asia at some point, but oh well. I'm home's a very sad, sad time. But I guess 14 months abroad is enough for now. There WILL be round two though, you can count on that!


At 12:33 p.m., Blogger Jamie and Jennica said...

Hey Erin!! Nice to hear about your amazing adventure. Looks like you fit in all these places you've been. When do you head back to Canada? Happy travels!!


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